300+ students and their FFA sponsors from a number of Arkansas schools were involved in cattle judging at the Subiaco Abbey Farm on March 1, 2018.
about 7 years ago, Jeff Ingle
FFA students getting a closer look
Hey Subiaco parents and friends! Just a quick reminder that we are still in need of some items for the upcoming Spring Carnival. Non-perishable food items, bingo prizes (value of $5-$10) and children's prizes are some of the places we are lacking. And don't forget about the online auction going on through March 2. See http://subiacoacademy.us/online-auction for details.
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
Bingo fun at the Spring Carnival
With E-School out of the way 44 boarding students loaded a bus and headed to Urban Air in Conway for some fun and food.
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
ONLINE AUCTION IS OPEN FOR BIDDING! Bid on 3 custom prizes and help raise funds for Subiaco Academy! It's a win-win!! Share this info with your co-workers, family and friends! Visit http://subiacoacademy.us/online-auction for details & current bids! Join the fun!
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
3 Great Prizes up for bids
We will not be in class Monday, February 26, due to a partial power outage on campus. We will hold an e-school day in Religious Studies. Please check your email later today for an informational message from Mrs. Goetz.
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
After a long day at the Jr High Quiz Bowl State Tournament the boys came in third place. Congratulations Trojans!
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
It's Saturday! Just imagine the fun and adventure you could have with this awesome UTV! Get your chance to win it and other great prizes in the Spring Carnival Raffle. Contact subiaco@subi.org or call 479-934-1001 for information!
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
Br. Raban Heyer
The Jr High Quiz bowl team are in Sercy at the State tournament. Morning record was 1-2 in a round robin style tournament for seeding in the single elimination tournament which will take place this aftwrnoon. They beat Dardanelle (370-140) but lost against Pocahontas (265-210) and Trinity (300-280).
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
CARNIVAL ONLINE ONLY AUCTION IS OPEN FOR BIDDING!!!. Don't miss your chance to bid on some great custom prizes and help raise funds for Subiaco Academy! It's a win-win!! See flyer or visit http://subiacoacademy.us/online-auction for details! Happy Bidding!
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
Down by 12 at tue end of the 3rd period.
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
Trojans down by 5 at the half.
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
 Six NHS members attended the AR Recycling Summit in Conway, AR today. Students heard several guest speakers who shared ideas for implementing and expanding school recycling programs, as well as information on the process of recycling and its impact on the environment.
about 7 years ago, Jeff Ingle
We found out today the internet may not be good enough for video livestream at the Regional Tournament. The back-up in place tonight is to click on the link for score updates https://goo.gl/fTBgjg
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
score updates
Regional Tournament Round 1 Subiaco vs Pea Ridge. If you can not make it to the game click on the link below to watch it live. https://livestream.com/accounts/9706132/events/8062860
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
Hey parents and friends of Subiaco! The Spring Carnival is only a few days away! Watch for EMAIL notices about the ONLINE AUCTION which begins TOMORROW-3 great prizes! See flyer below!
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
Congratulations to Bryson Porter on earning the rank of Eagle scout.
about 7 years ago, Jeff Ingle
Spring Carnival is only 10 days away! Join us Saturday, March 3, 4-9 p.m. in the Greenroom. We are in REAL need of items for the country store (12-15 non-perishable food items), Bingo prizes (value of $5-$10) and prizes for the children's games (value of $1 or individually wrapped candies). If you plan to bring these items the day of the event, email us at subiaco@subi.org or drop off before the event at the development office. All donations are greatly appreciated!! Call 479-934-1001 with questions.
about 7 years ago, Linda Freeman
Carnival Fun!
With the next basketball game on Thursday night we wanted to post the pictures from the District Championship game. Follow the link below: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kZl9Clb160TQPMlv2
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
B. Tencleve layup
Here are some of the pictures taken my Mrs. Robin at the Basketball game vs Ozark. Click on the link to check them out: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yvRSpfz59lNDFcq13
about 7 years ago, Patrick Richey
Komp Layup