Spiritual Life

“Lord, open my lips; and my mouth will proclaim your praise.”
Psalm 51:17
Liturgy can be described as the work of the people of God. We are never more united as a community than when we gather to pray. Full and active participation is encouraged in all the students and staff alike. Sunday and Solemnity masses are celebrated with the monastic community. The students form a core group of lectors, servers and ushers for these celebrations. In addition to Sundays and Solemnities, the Academy community gathers on Wednesday afternoons each week to celebrate mass. The focal point of the liturgical life of Subiaco Academy is the celebration of the Eucharist.
Prayer is a common element throughout the school day.
Each Monday morning the school assembly is led by the Academy Chaplain. Everyone present bows to one another, recognizing the presence of Christ in each person. This action is followed by the Lord’s Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and a short spiritual talk. The topic may be based on the Rule of Saint Benedict, a saint for that week, or maybe something specific to the liturgical season of the year. The assembly is closed by invoking the intercession of the saints for that week along with Saints Benedict, Scholastica and Our Lady of Einsiedeln.
Each class during the day starts with a prayer. This is typically brief and student led.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before all weekend masses, Tuesday evenings, and anytime by appointment.
Special prayer services and devotions are an important part of the school year. Stations of the Cross, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lent and Easter prayer services, travel blessings, lighting the Advent Wreath and Rosary services are some of the additional communal prayer opportunities.
The students are encouraged to join the monks for the Liturgy of the Hours.
Boarding students gather for evening prayer in the dorms. This prayer time is often led by students. The style and format of this prayer varies by dean and floor.
In order to encourage participation and leadership, the students are trained as lectors, altar servers, acolytes, ushers and Eucharistic ministers. On occasion, members of the faculty fill all the ministerial roles at mass. Great care is taken with the preparation for serving in these ministerial roles. Our students leave Subiaco well prepared for liturgical leadership at college or in their home parishes.