Guidance Counseling

At Subiaco Academy, each student is a top priority. The Student Services team works collaboratively to provide academic, social, and spiritual support. The team meets weekly to increase teacher awareness of distinctive learning characteristics of individual students and coordinate interventions in reading comprehension, study/organizational skills and time management. The team serves as mentors for learning, teaching, and thinking strategies, and academic skills acquisition.
Mr. Mike Berry, Assistant Head for Student Life
Facilitates and oversees services of the grade level counselors and support services team
Facilitates dialogue with parents, teachers, and students
Mrs. Cheryl Armstrong Goetz, Assistant Head for Academics
Oversees curriculum and faculty
Guides each student in the selection of his course of study
Provides specific academic guidance for juniors
Facilitates dialogue with parents, teachers, and students
Mr. Robert Pugh, Guidance Counselor for all Academy students, and Academic counselor for sophomores, juniors, and seniors
Provides specific academic guidance
Helps new students in their adjustment to the Subiaco Environment
Counsels students as needed, offering support for emotional/social needs
Serves as a student advocate
Coordinates peer tutoring
Mr. Jeff Ingle, Academic counselor for seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students
Provides specific academic guidance
Coordinates peer tutoring
Teaches academic success skills
Mrs. Michelle Chuang, Instructor for English for International Students
Offers test preparation for the TOEFL (BT)
Assists with testing and placement of International students
Teaches English for International Students who need to improve English language skills
Conducts the phone interviews and the language evaluation of bilingual students
Dc. Roy Goetz, Chaplain
Offers spiritual guidance
Conducts confirmation preparation
Offers catechesis for those wishing to become Catholic
Trains lectors, acolytes, and ushers for Mass