Chaplain’s Office
Spiritual Life

The Chaplain’s Office is located in the Performing Arts Center and provides important support to the overall mission of the school. The Academy Chaplain is Deacon Roy Goetz. It is the function of this office to encourage and support the spiritual growth and well being of the entire school community. The Chaplain’s duties include, but are not limited to the following:
schedule Wednesday liturgies
arrange for celebrants
schedule altar servers/lectors/Eucharistic ministers and ushers
train altar servers/lectors/Eucharistic ministers and ushers
design liturgies for special seasons
coordinate with musicians
give instruction for Baptism/Confirmation
arrange for ministers of the Sacraments
coordinate with local parishes for area Confirmation
Dorm Life
provide evening/weekend opportunities for prayer/spiritual growth
provide assistance to deans regarding evening prayer styles/forms
design/provide retreats for classes/all school retreats
coordinate efforts with Benet Club leader
School Day
lead or provide leadership for one assembly per week
schedule/design days of fasting/prayer/other spiritual disciplines
design activities for special seasons
provide teachers assistance with classroom prayer