Benedictine Education in the 21st Century.

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Subiaco Academy is a Catholic College Preparatory School in the Benedictine tradition that welcomes young men of all faiths in grades 7-12. We see Christ in each student as we guide him in response to God, aid the development of his known and hidden talents, and foster his growth into manhood.

Founded in 1887 by the Benedictine Monks of Subiaco Abbey, nestled in the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains, and rooted in centuries of Benedictine Tradition, we strive to influence our students by encouraging stability in our Four Pillars: Faith, Scholarship, Character, and Brotherhood.

From our one-of-a-kind Parallel Curriculum to our our impeccable Outdoor Adventure Program, Subiaco offers a unique and unforgettable educational experience for each and every one of our students.

Our Four Pillars



We use Faith as a foundation upon which students are morally inspired to grown in grace, humility, and well-being.



We promote exceptional academic performance and cultivate the appreciation of life-long learning.



We develop the whole person with an emphasis on emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, and integrity-based leadership.



Within a uniquely supportive environment, we teach students to respectfully serve their brothers and communities.

Location, Location, Location

Arkansas map

When searching for the perfect blend of faith, education, and quality of life, look no further than Subiaco Academy. The juncture of mountain ranges flowing into the plains of the Arkansas River Delta creates a natural paradise where Subiaco Academy sits. Small cities and towns are a short drive away. And don’t miss the views at the highest point in Arkansas, Mount Magazine, just a few miles from campus. It’s no wonder why Arkansas is called The Natural State. 

Once you’re on campus, you’ll fall in love with the Ouachita Mountains foothills, where Arkansas’ best all-boys Catholic high school, Subiaco Academy, makes its home. Our rich outdoor recreation program takes Subiaco students into nature to experience swimming, hiking, and mountain biking on the Abbey’s 1,500-acre campus.  

Students volunteer to clean trails in the ridges and work with Abbey staff to maintain the landscape around the main campus. Whether your son loves to fish, bike, or run trails, he can do it at Subiaco. On weekends, our staff plan adventures around our region, including at our cabin on Lake Dardanelle. The memories and friendships made here endure. No matter where our graduates end up in life, they will tell you that their heart belongs at Subiaco.

Located two hours from Little Rock and three hours from Tulsa, it’s easy to get to an international airport from Subiaco.  Smaller airports in Fort Smith and Northwest Arkansas are even closer. Transportation to and from airports is coordinated by Subiaco staff. 

New to the Area?

Click one of the links below to learn more about what our area has to offer.